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Showing posts with label Digital Marketing 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Marketing 2022. Show all posts

5 Best Local Business Marketing Strategies

As a local business you have to learn how to use the internet to your advantage. If you aren't using the internet to bring in more customers you are missing out big time. These days people pull out their mobile device when it comes to finding a local business in their area that has what they are looking for. 

The days of using the Yellow Pages are quickly dwindling, 54% of people use the Internet over the phone book to search for a local plumber, florist, restaurant, mechanic, etc., sometimes just to get a phone number and other times to do research on the required services offered in their area. 

According to SMDigital Partners: 

  • 74% of all web users perform local searches
  • 100 + million people use Google Maps from mobile phones to find local business every month
  • 66% of people use online local search.
  • 61% of all local searches result in purchases
  • 82% of local searches result in offline actions, including, an in-store visit, phone call or purchase

A recent study from comScore revealed that 78% of local mobile searches resulted in offline purchases. If you aren't popping up in local search they will head over to your competition, this is guaranteed. 

Here are 5 simple things you can incorporate in your local business marketing strategy to help get more people in the door. 

1.  Create A Local Business Profile In The Top Three Search Engines

This is by far one of the easiest things you can do as far as local search marketing goes. All three top search engines, Bing, Google & Yahoo, allow businesses to create a local search business profile. This is absolutely free and it will take you all of 10 minutes. Make sure to include a phone number so that it can show up in search results under your business name. Go do it now!

2.  Get Mobile

These days everyone has a mobile phone. They use it to do all of their searching and other online activities. If your business can't handle mobile users you are in a world of trouble. Your business has to be able to come up in mobile search. Otherwise you will miss out on a ton of potential new customers. 

3.  Optimize Your Website Using Key Local Terms

When the search engines crawl your site they are looking for keywords that help them better understand what your website is all about. Always use the location of your business in the title tags. Include the full address include city and state. 

4.  Get Involved With Social Media Marketing

Well over a billion people are using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter at any given moment. Think some of your customers are hanging out on these sites? You better believe they are. And as a small business you need to have a strong presence on both of these sites. When it comes to local marketing this is one of the best ways to do it. Build up your following and you will always have customers coming through your doors.  Monitor your reputation on Yelp, the leading consumer review site where thousands of people review various businesses. 

5.  Use Paid Local Search

Paid local search allows you to only receive visitors that are in your region. You can actually tell the search engines the area you want to receive visitors from. This gives you complete control over where your visitors come from. So instead of paying to have visitors come to your site who are less likely to purchase from you, you can only get visitors who are in your local area and are looking for what you have to offer.   Using paid local search will save you a great deal of money. It will also help you increase your conversions as you are only presenting your offers to those who you know are most likely interested. 

And there you have it, 5 of the best local business marketing strategies for small businesses. Use all of them and watch your rankings and profits start to soar.

Three Things You Should Do In 2022 To Earn More, Succeed More, And Enjoy More

Impacting thousands of people in the days gone by used to be the special reserve of what used to be called multi-national corporations but today, thanks to the internet, a kid in her mother's kitchen table can reach thousands if not millions by simply pressing send or publish on her iPhone or laptop. Technology has evened the playing field so you have no excuse if you have not yet joined the information superhighway.

After over 25 years as a banking "professional" I started dabbling online in 2020, thanks to COVID-19 pandemic and what I've learned has changed my perspective on how to positive impact more lives, earn more, succeed more and enjoy more. Success, unlike beauty, is not in the eye of the beholder. Success as Jim Rohn says, leaves clues. In this regard I'm only concerned with financial success. When you're financially successful, it reflects in where you live, the type of car you drive and the causes you support.

To be financially successful, you have to earn by the minute or hour or days not every thirty days (or weekly as in America) as an employee even if you're the chief executive officer of your organization. The biggest names out there earn by the minute. And when you earn by the minute you can enjoy more, like spending more time with your loved ones, going on vacation together, reading good books and supporting the less privileged.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Here are the three things I would do to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more in 2022 and beyond if you asked for my opinion and willing to pay me to coach you but you can get them here all for free. I believe you already know that you should be operating online, and if you don't know, put on your running shoes and run helter-skelter in search of who can help you learn that. Having clarified that position, here are the three things you should do:

1. Build Your Audience

In the online world, audience is your customers. If you want to succeed beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 build and grow your audience. Again, if you want to succeed online beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 focus single-mindedly on building your audience. I'm not just talking about audience, I'm talking about customers who are willing to put their hands in their pocket and pay you for impacting their lives.

Building your audience or growing your customer base is something that every man, woman and child aspiring to make it big online should instinctively know but many don't get it. While it's obvious to the cognoscenti, it's not always obvious to the jaded beginner. Rather than jumping mindlessly trying to do a thousand things, do just one thing in 2022 - build your audience.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. From the time of the industrial revolution to the present day, the only way to grow your business remains capturing ever more satisfied customers you can convert to raving fans. No other thing matters. Having customers salivating for what you have to offer is so obvious that gurus like Edward Deming, John Juran, Philip Crosby, Tom Peters and a host of other gurus have pontificated on it and written tens of books for over half a century.

Organizations have responded by setting up Customer Service Departments, installing huge and expensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and spending millions on training yet nothing much has changed. The more they spend the more their service deteriorates because it's not about systems but attitude of people towards customers.

So as an online entrepreneur, if you want to succeed sustainably over the long haul move away from saying and get on with doing - focus on building audience and turning them into raving fans by doing everything you can to make their lives better. You can do this by enlightening them on more productive ways to achieve their goals, by sharing your experience how you overcame adversity, by educating them how to set up their money making machine, by sharing expertise how to be more result oriented and by showing them how to do things with more ease through automation.

Some gurus may advice you to begin with a product and not audience. For your online success, know that audience and products are the two sides of the same coin. However, you need just one product to succeed but you need thousands of customers to reach a tipping point. Your product doesn't have to be great, it doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be excellent from day one. It just has to serve a purpose. It should be able to take your customer from Point A to Point B. You can always come back and tweak it later on as you build momentum. But without audience your product will remain an orphan. So focus on building and growing an audience.

If you do it right, having a product does not even matter because your audience will at some point ask you if you have a product that can solve their problem A, B, or C to offer them. You can then tweak your existing product or build an entirely new one to add more value to their lives. The most successful online gurus like Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Natalie Ellis, Gloria Atanmo to mention a few all know this and it's not a secret. Indeed, they preach it and if you want to succeed in 2022 and beyond, you'd better listen.

So again, focus on building an audience. Build relationships day and night using all available channels. Be generous because generosity is the number one currency of the internet. Have your perspective. Know that there is nothing people want online that they can't get through Google, YouTube and other search engines. But they might not have the confidence to try them out and they might not understand the context because there are so many viewpoints. That is where you come in - to provide clarity. Help your Audience build self-confidence and clarity because people are on different points on their life's journey so what works for Mr. A might not work for Mrs. B. By providing clarity, you position yourself to attract more prospects you can then turn into customer thereby positioning you to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more over the long haul.

2. Earn daily rather than monthly?

While the majority of people earn monthly because they are in paid employment, do you know you can earn daily or by the hour or even by the minute if you knew what to do online? The majority of people who know nothing about online business believe it's impossible to earn daily, talk less of earning by the hour. They can't just fathom how that can be done yet there are thousands earning by the minute because they have set up their systems on auto-pilot.

Let's say you hate earning daily, why not position yourself to earn at least once every five days? By so doing your earning power will go up by a factor of six. And the good news is that you don't have to know state governor, you need not be "connected"; all you need is a laptop. And more importantly you don't have to work six times or thirty times harder. It gets even better if you can earn while you sleep. And because you're not into anything illegal, you can sleep with both of your eyes closed.

If you're an employee and living in a country like Nigeria, where I reside, you're earning once every thirty days, and to say the least, you're cheating yourself. If you're sceptical about what I'm saying I quite understand. I would have felt the same way when I was working as a lowly paid bank worker. Then I thought I was on top of the world. How wrong I was!

The scales finally fell off my eyes when I left paid employment to try my hands on management consulting, which had always been my dream. The first thing I did was to engage a coach and he showed me various ways I could make a living online. What he showed me exploded my perspective but I was still sceptical because it sounded too good to be true. Despite investing quite a huge sum in training, coaching and website development, I gave up after 12 weeks and went back to knocking doors as a struggling management consultant I was accustomed to because everything looked so complicated.

The decision to go back to my familiar territory set me back over seven years until the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. As millions of people from all over the world, I was locked indoors and I had no choice but revisit what the guru taught me. I applied one simple strategy and it exploded my earnings. Suddenly I became a "guru" in my own necks of the wood. All I had to do was to learn the Basics how to grow my audience, how to use social media the right way, how to build relationships, how to create products and so on. Once I learnt the Basics I realised online business was not as complicated as I thought it was. I wish I knew how to earn daily twenty years ago.

If you're an employee earning income once every thirty days you can make 2022 your best year ever by learning by the side how you could earn at least once every five days for a start. This calls for an open mindset, curiosity and linking up with a coach to show you how things work online. You must also have the self-confidence to understand that if things don't work the world will not come to an end.

3. Take Action

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The third and final thing you should do to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more is to take action. While this is so self-evident, as humans, we like to remain in our comfort zones, we like to procrastinate, and we don't like to make a fool of ourselves. Some of us are perfectionists and until we are hundred percent sure we are right; we don't like to venture on any new endeavours. There are a thousand things that could go wrong if you start a new venture 99.99% of them may never happen. All that is keeping you down is your ego.

So without belabouring the point, take action. A lot of people attend seminars, webinars, read books and even engage coaches but the never lift their finger to do whatever it takes to move the needle in their favour. There are many thing you can do to succeed in any endeavour you engage in but in the center of it all is "You." You have to learn the tools, techniques, systems, processes, strategies and tactics. While technology is important, it's an enable and until you focus your mindset to get things moving nothing will happen.

If you want to make 2022 your best year ever and position you to earn more, succeed more, and enjoy more, focus on these three things, build and grow your audience as if your life depended on it because it does, rework your strategies to start earning daily, and better still, hourly, and finally, take action. If you do these three things, you'll succeed beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 and become the go-to person in your necks of the wood.

Paul is the creator of iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course), aka, iBMCer, and BWC (Book Writing Clinic) where he teaches how to build businesses online, thought leadership, entrepreneurship and how to write best selling books. He is the author of the book Bridges to the Customer's Heart, dubbed The Customer Service Bible, which has sold thousands of copies in Nigeria. The late Richmond Dayo Johnson described him as "One of Nigeria's most authentic experiential writers." He is the Chief Executive Officer, Vision & Talent, Nigeria's foremost company dedicated to teaching Service Excellence holistically. You can access his Intellectual Property by visiting the website You can reach him by mail to and phone: +234 803 307 5133. you can access Paul's learning platforms at and  Article Source:  Article Source:

What Is Internet Marketing And Its Methods?

By definition Internet marketing is promoting something online. This includes promoting products, services, brand or even yourself as a blogger.

Sounds simple enough right? 

Well truth be told it’s not as simple as it might sound. Internet marketing merges two of the most important aspects of marketing together. That would be the technical and the creative. That means advertising, development, design and sales are all one. 

The internet really became popular back in the early 90's. Since then its popularity has grown immensely. Back in 1998 the average number of searches per day was just under 10,000. Fast forward almost 20 years and that number has skyrocketed to well over 1 trillion per year. 

That alone should tell you how popular internet marketing is. It should also tell you how profitable it can be.  In fact, as compared with traditional offline forms of advertising, such as, television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet offers significant advantages, some of the major ones are:

In 2011 Internet marketing revenues surpassed cable television and came to close to beating those seen in broadcast television commercials.

2013 saw historic increases in online marketing revenue with an 18% rise from 2012 for a total of $20.1 billion in the first two quarters. 

Methods Of Internet Marketing

So how exactly does Internet marketing work? It’s made up of several different strategies that all work together to help you drive traffic, increase conversions and make sales. 

There are various methods that fall under the umbrella of Internet marketing, all with their own specific designs, end goals and strategies. 

Smart marketers implement more than one method, and best case scenario all of the above in order to appropriately diversify their marketing plans to achieve the desired results and engage the highest amount of leads that can be converted into customers. 

Each of these strategies work to help boost the online visibility of your business. 

  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Display Advertising
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing - that comes in the form of 
    low ticket affiliate sales where you can earn a smaller commission or get paid for leads and high ticket affiliate sales where commissions are much higher such as programmes Groove and ReThink Social Media.   These are my current favourite affiliate programs for online marketing but in other niches there are a multitude of programmes on Clickbank and elsewhere too, offering both lower and higher ticket prices.
  • Search Engine Marketing (Pay Per Click)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Top Rankings (SEO)

When you consider just how much new business is being conducted online every year you will understand how much competition there is out there for that coveted #1 spot in the search engine page results (SERPS) and especially Google since they are the most widely used search engine in the world. 

It is crucial that every business, be it local or national, have a strong online presence in search engines. When you have a spot on the first page of the major search engines it not only facilitates the highest possible level of organic traffic, but, it can create a significant level of trust with consumers. 

They believe you are a reputable and a credible company all because you have the top spot. When you are able to build trust you will be able to make a lot of money through Internet marketing. 

End Goals 

The end goal of all Internet marketing strategies is to increase a brand or business’s online visibility and to increase conversions of calls to actions.

A call to action is simply what you want your site visitors to do when they come to your website. This could be a landing page where you want to entice them to sign up for more information so you get their email address, making a donation, making a purchase, filling out a form or buying a service. It is whatever you want the visitor to do. 

The key is to figure out which Internet marketing strategy will work best for your business. Don't try to implement all the strategies at one time. This will never work. Start with one and add in others as you see success. You don't want to overwhelm yourself as that will lead to inaction, which in turn leads to self-sabotage. 

How To Network to Promote Your Home Business

When it comes to business opportunities, sometimes it’s not “what” you know but “who” you know. That is the basis of networking – meeting others who might be able to help you sometime down the road. Here are some ideas about networking when it comes to promoting your work from home business.

What Is Networking?

In simple terms, networking describes techniques used to meet others who are like-minded. For you, that would be people who are also in business for themselves. It is not just making contact and handing out business cards, but also forming lasting mutually beneficial relationships. To that end, showing interest in their enterprise is just as important as them wanting to know more about you. Some relationships go beyond business and develop into friendships over time through shared interests.

Ways to Network for Home-Based Businesses

  • Be prepared – If it’s good enough for the boy scouts, then it’s good enough for business. Before heading into a networking situation, practice a bit. Get used to the idea of small talk. Learn a little about the event you are attending so that you can speak intelligently to others in the room. Always have a handful of business cards on you at all times to pass along to new people.  Since Covid lockdown a lot more networking has taken place online, but in a lot of areas life has gone back to before and so you may find a hybrid way to network - both in person locally and also online.

  • Find local business associations – Check with the Chamber of Commerce to find out about local associations for home-based businesses. Get to know others who have started businesses. Pick their brains as to what works and what doesn’t. Attend sponsored events and get the word out about your new enterprise.

  • Attend conferences – Look online and see what types of events are going on for your type of business. Conferences are places where business professionals can get together, discuss new policies and legislation and share information. If you are a private detective, for instance, events on law enforcement, future of the business and others would be useful to you.

  • Create social media profiles – Social media allows one to search globally for their target market. Creating profiles on Facebook and Twitter will foster interaction between you and your customers as well as update the general public on what is new and happening in your company. For business professionals, there is also LinkedIn, a social site that caters to those who want to network. You can link your other profiles to that one so that people can check up on you before introducing themselves. 

  • Join forums – These can be found on social media sites as well as online home-based business sites. The key to successful networking online is to participate. Don’t just read the comments, but post useful information for others and really get involved. It is easy to spot a spammer who only talks about their accomplishments and business happenings.
Networking is a two-way street. Show your support for others and they will reciprocate in kind, possibly with advice and opportunities that open new doors for you.

Home Based Business ~ Marketing Ideas

Marketing your WFH (work from home) business is easier than you think it is.  Success in business is part determination and part hard work. You have gained the skills needed to conduct your business but no one will benefit from it if they don’t know that you exist. Be determined to inform the world about what you do. Keep reading to find out some of the ways that you can market your work at home business.

The Many Faces of Marketing

There are many facets to marketing even for a home based business. The immediate community in which you live can benefit from your goods and services but so potentially can thousands of others globally through the internet. Before we start getting delusions of grandeur, let’s get the ball rolling with the basics. 

If money is an object (and it sometimes is) when you start your business, each advertising dollar needs to be used wisely. Begin with free options both online and offline and then move to other forms that may require an outlay of cash.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Build a blog – If you use WordPress, you can get started for free and have access to some cool templates and extras. Using SEO techniques to optimize content, headlines and descriptions, learn to draw traffic to your little piece of the internet real estate so they can learn about your business offering.

  • List your business locally – Google Places can help you by creating a free listing for your business so that you show up in local mobile searches. 

  • Advertise at your place of worship and in other community places – Many churches have congregational newsletters where parishioners can list their businesses for free. Place your business here. Also post flyers on community notice boards all over town so everyone can find out about what you do.

  • Create business products if you have a local business and do not want to use online marketing – With a stationery program, you can create professional looking business cards and brochures at home. If you don’t have the time, companies like Vistaprint can do it for you for an affordable price.

  • Join social media sites – You are not just socializing personally now. Create free business pages that showcase your enterprise. Invite friends and family to “Like” your page and share it with others. Include links to your blog and/or website content to entice others to visit you.

  • Create a professional website – Websites don’t have to be so hard to create these days. Get your own FREE Website builder here

  • Email marketing – Create an opt-in page on your website that captures email addresses of your visitors in exchange for a free newsletter or some other product. Send targeted messages to your list when new products are launched and to stay in touch with customers.  You may want to check out this video training about how to do email marketing.

There are many more ways to engage your audience through marketing strategies but these are a simple few you can begin with right away. 

The e-Learning Industry: A $370 Billion Opportunity You Can't Afford to Miss

With the recent pandemic and the shift to online living, the e-learning industry has been growing at an unprecedented pace. According to rec...